
What will you receive from first appointment?

Save up to € 200 compared to other clinics for a dentist diagnostics

Printed treatment plan without obligations with all the pros and cons

2 to 3 alternative treatments (cheap and more expensive)

(with XRAY + € 30)

The treatment plan and quotation after the diagnosis is without obligation and without obligations

Full dentures are made of a pink colored resin. The artificial teeth are anchored in it. The dentures rest on the mucous membrane of the mouth. It may be attached with anchors to the remaining teeth.

Differences between the Partial and Full dentures

Full dentures are is cheaper than partial one, but they have some disadvantages. As the full dentures support your gums, they can easily provoke problems with the gums. Your gums must have the power for chewing. Also, food stays easily under the dentures. This causes the inflammation of the gums.

Full dentures_2
Partial dentueres

Partial dentures are fixed on your teeth and have a less impact on your gums. That’s why your gums are fee much better. You need to decide which variant is most suitable for and consult your dentist for help.