Gum Smile (Dental Correction)

What will you receive from first appointment?

Save up to € 200 compared to other clinics for a dentist diagnostics

Printed treatment plan without obligations with all the pros and cons

2 to 3 alternative treatments (cheap and more expensive)

(with XRAY + € 30)

The treatment plan and quotation after the diagnosis is without obligation and without obligations

What is a gum smile?

When you smile and see the excessive amount of gums above your teeth it is called a gum smile.


Gum smile before
Gum smile after

Different ways of dental correction


A gingival correction with the help of surgical cutting or laser use is called gingivectomy or crown extension. Laser treatment removes the excess gum away. Then laser wipes the wound and no sutures are required. Generally such treatment painless – only anesthesia can cause some inconvenience.

Too many dental bones

If there is a tooth decay, the gums are “clipped” upwards, and is also referred to as “flap surgery”. Here, however, sutures are needed, and this procedure is more painful than just removing gums.


Using facings – either composite or porcelain shells – on the teeth may be required for optimal aesthetic results. In some cases, the gums can regrowth, and treatment is need again. If you have a “gummy smile”, different treatments are possible. Which type is appropriate for you depends on your jaw and should be discussed with your dentist.