Photos Before and After

Some patients before and after their dental treatment.

(Examples of porcelain crowns, bridges and facings)

Before treatment

Facings vóór behandeling_1
Implantaten vóór behandeling_1
Facings vóór behandeling_2
Implantaten vóór behandeling_3
Correctie van scheve tanden_vóór behandeling
Implantaten vóór behandeling_2
Facings vóór behandeling
Implantaten vóór behandeling

After treatment

Facings na behandeling_1
Implantaten na behandeling_1
Facings na behandeling_2
Implantaten na behandeling_3
Correctie van scheve tanden_na behandeling
Implantaten na behandeling_2
Facings na behandeling
Implantaten na behandeling